Round Here, We Start Our Summers in July

Dear Readers,

It’s been a good and needed break, and now that the baby is (sometimes) (almost) sleeping through the night, it’s time to pick up our pens again. If you have stuck with us over these last few months, thank you! It’s so encouraging to know that there are people out there interested in our small, crazy lives and goofy thoughts!

Luckily, summer is usually when we have a lighter writing schedule anyway, so we can ease back into the swing of this blog thing over the next couple of months. Our plan right now is to post on Tuesdays and Fridays, starting next week.

Our series for this summer will be “Geeking Out” – things we’ve geeked out over, either now or in the past. If you too are a geek and want to join in the conversations, that might be a lot of fun!

So until next Tuesday, here’s Little Mister, waiting on pins and needles.


Just kidding. We took all of those out before he sat down.