Top Five of 100

We’ve reached 100!  A hundred posts completed in this endeavor that started off as a “Why not?”  Its been fun for us and hopefully a few other people (probably all of whom are related).  It has allowed us to see parts of each other’s lives that the distance between us would make otherwise difficult.  To celebrate, we thought we’d share our top five favorite posts.  Here they are:

Hearst Castle

Hearst Castle

1. Playing Hooky – I thought my favorite posts would be those where I’m trying to be cute or clever, with a picture and some flippant text about a recent experience, dealing with the quotidian issues of life. If nothing else, I know the knitting posts are generally among my most popular. But I find myself surprised by my greater interest in the photo-heavy posts. So my first choice is of the pictures I took while Charles’s family was visiting in the spring. We did a good bit of traveling, and the Bay Area was looking its best. It was a delight to try to capture that beauty. ~danifreda 

Pool 1

2.  Summer Shenanigans – When we started this, I assumed I would be able to post consistently about crafting and cooking – two things I love to do and love reading about on blogs.  But alas, those posts are few and far between.  What’s consistent?  The Munchkin.  So my favorite posts are ones where I get to share a little of her personality, which I think is a hoot.  This post is a favorite because you can see her communication style and because she is still FASCINATED with water – even if its 36° outside.  ~crackersister

3. On Being Flexible – One of the few posts where I tried for an extended and thoughtful exploration of a single topic. Generally, these only happen when the mood strikes, which is not often, and consequently I’m a little out of practice at it. Still, this one holds up for me. I still struggle with some of these questions and fears, and I suspect that will always be the case, although right now life feels less as though it’s hanging in the balance of each tiny decision. ~danifreda


4. 52 Weeks – 52 Photos – This is still one of my favorite things that Matt and I decided to do for the Munchkin.  This gallery shares a picture a week for the first year of her life.  There are moments in the past year and almost a half where I’ve thought – “We should have kept going.” But alas, we did not.  ~crackersister


5. San Francisco Botanical Garden Series, pt. 1 – Another picture gallery, or rather, the first in the extended summer series of a gallery of botanical photographs. This series allowed me to indulge in my love of flowers, one of my favorite subjects to photograph. Actually, gardens in general are one of my favorite subjects, full stop. Wrote a whole dissertation on them and still find them compelling. Since we’re only choosing single posts, I’ve linked here to the first in the series, but there are five altogether, and each is different and hopefully enjoyable. ~danifreda

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